Ward Council

Councillor Brown is looking to improve dialogue between his office and our communities. To do this, he will be returning to a tried-and-true system: the Ward Council.

Composed of volunteers who are community leaders from every corner of our ward, the Ward Council will meet 3 times annually to do the following: 

-          Determine the objectives and priorities of our communities

-          Identify challenges facing our communities and solutions for addressing them

-          Increase inter-organization communication to coordinate efforts and resources

-          Raise matters of importance for the Councillor to address with City staff, at Committee, and at Council


Representatives for the Ward Council must live or work in the Ward or manage an organization whose purview focuses to a significant extent on the Ward or the issues that matter to its residents. They must be able to consult widely with others in the community so that they may serve as representatives for broader community interests. Individuals engaged in lobbying activities are strictly forbidden from participation in the Ward Council.

Additionally, representatives for the Ward Council must be in an active leadership role at one of the following organizations:

-          Community associations

-          Business associations or economic development organizations

-          Major extracurricular clubs or bodies

-          Schools or institutes of learning

-          Unions or professional organizations

-          Other organizations of major significance to the community


The ideal Ward Council member is someone who enjoys consulting with members of his or her community or organization, bringing forward those ideas and issues to the table for broader consideration. The role is best suited for those who seek win-win arrangements and are creative and flexible decision-makers.

Involvement in the Ward Council is informal, though participants are encouraged to provide contributions in written form in advance of Ward Council meetings. Additionally, participants in the Ward Council will do so on a strictly volunteer basis; participants are not required to attend every meeting or perform specific functions, though regular attendance is strongly encouraged.

To ensure fair discussion and orderly debate, Ward Council members will be expected to abide by rules of procedure set out by the Councillor.

2023 Schedule

Please note, the following schedule is tentative.

-          APRIL 17, 7 - 9 p.m ET

-          AUGUST 21, 7 - 9 p.m. ET

-          DECEMBER 18, 7 - 9 p.m. ET

Other details

The setting of meetings and their overall management will be conducted by the Councillor’s office. Moreover, the Councillor’s office will host the event and provide light refreshments. A virtual option for participants will be considered, but will be dependent on the degree to which it is requested by participants. Only invited participants or their representatives will be allowed to participate in the Ward Council.

Get Involved

Want to participate in the Ward Council? Send an email to ward21@ottawa.ca outlining your qualifications and why you are interested in participating.

Please note that space is limited. While all applications are appreciated, due to the volume of submissions only those who are selected for the Ward Council will be contacted by staff.


Notice of Partial Road Closures


Newsletter - Jan. 19