1185 Beaverwood FAQs

Here are some questions asked of us by ward residents, and Councillor Brown’s responses. This post will be updated as new questions arise.

Will these 27 new units be much needed rent to income properties?

Questions regarding the proposed use of the units and their intended market are best directed to the project proponent. I would encourage you to participate in next week’s public meeting to ask the proponent directly.

Will the arterial roads in Manotick be reclassified (closed to truck traffic) to ease the already overburdened village road and bridge network?

While the trucking issue is not connected to the proposed development at 1185 Beaverwood, I have raised this matter directly with the Mayor as my top priority and am working with staff to ensure that the trucks get out of Manotick. For this upcoming budget, I have requested to the Mayor and staff that a new truck route review study to be completed, with the goal of ensuring that trucks get out of Manotick.

Who is the developer and how much clout do they have with city council and the Ontario Municipal Board? Minto again?

The project is being developed by Ark Construction. Novatech is the lead consultant.

While I cannot speak for City Council or the Ontario Municipal Board, I can speak for myself: I have no relationships or conflicts with developers. During my campaign, I made sure to not accept any money from them. I review each project as clearly and impartially as possible, and this project is no exception. 

I have raised with the developer and consultant that I have concerns regarding how the proposed development may impact traffic, particularly on Scharfield Road. My principal concern is that there will be an increase of street parking as a result of the project, which may impact people who are trying to access or exit from the Animal Hospital or Giant Tiger on the street. We are currently reviewing options with staff and the developer to ensure that adequate parking is part of the plan. 


Newsletter - Jan. 19


Newsletter - Jan. 13