Update on Garbage Collection Policy Changes

Following the rollout of the three-item garbage collection limit on September 30th, my office, alongside other rural Councillors, has received numerous complaints and concerns from residents.

One recurring issue has been the non-compliance notices some residents received, indicating that their garbage containers exceeded the allowable size. Although containers larger than 140 litres were never permitted, enforcement was lax until now. Many residents are understandably frustrated that they are being compelled to purchase new containers at their own expense. However, staff have emphasized the need for clear numerical guidelines in the policy.

Another significant concern involved the initial proposal for an agricultural exemption to the three-item limit, which was to last only two months, from April 1st to May 31st each year. It became evident that this timeframe was insufficient.

In response to these concerns, I, along with my rural council colleagues, successfully passed two motions during the City Council meeting on October 30th. These motions aim to provide more time for residents to adapt to the new regulations.

First Motion: Container Exemption Extension
The first motion grants a six-month exemption for residents with oversized garbage containers, allowing for continued collection during this period. Residents will receive notices explaining that this extension is temporary and that they will need to purchase containers compliant with the 140-litre limit thereafter. For those wishing to dispose of oversized containers, a note can be placed on them for collection.

Second Motion: Agricultural Waste Exemption
The second motion extends the exemption for farmers dealing with unavoidable farm waste, permitting them to exceed the three-item limit until the end of 2025. This extension will provide the City with additional time to develop a more suitable agricultural exemption program, recognizing that livestock generates waste throughout the year, not just during two months.

I will continue to provide updates as we move forward. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to resolve these issues.


Newsletter October 31


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