Tennis Court at Echo Park

Recently, some residents in the Carleton Golf and Yacht Community have expressed concerns and opinions regarding the proposed addition of a tennis court and pathway at Echo Park. This note is to provide some context about the proposed court and to address some of the questions from residents.

Please note formal decisions about the proposed court have not been made. The court is a proposal at this stage and as such it is still subject to design, consultation, reviews, permits, and approvals prior to construction.

Where did the idea originate from?

The Carleton Golf and Yacht Homeowners Association discussed and voted on this issue during their 2022 AGM. At the AGM, the community voted in favour of the addition of a court at Echo Park. The proposal then rose to the previous Councillor’s office; the previous Councillor concurred with the CGYHA’s request for the addition of the court and worked with City staff to have funding allocated toward the court.

Since then, City staff have been working toward completing a proposed design of the court.

What is the design and location of the court?

A single tennis court is proposed to be located in Echo Park north of the soccer field. A trail running along the Western edge of the park would connect the Tennis Court with Marina Drive. There are no planned alterations to the park beyond the addition of the court and a pathway; there are no plans for the addition of lighting features.

There are no proposed road allowances through the park or parking locations; residents who drive to the park would be encouraged to use street parking to access the court, just as residents who use the soccer field are encouraged to do. As there is only one court proposed and it is intended to serve the local community, there is minimal expected increase in street parking.

At this time, any image purporting to show the location of the court is not an official image. The images being circulated may have been from a pre-design stage; they may have been a concept for illustrative purposes. In any event, there is not an official design for the park. Any images being shared at this stage do not accurately reflect any actual plan for the court’s design or proposed location.

When will the court be built? What is the timeline?

Spring/summer 2023

-          A concept drawing will be created and provided for public viewing on Engage Ottawa

-          Comments will be reviewed by Staff and the Councillor’s office. Comment’s will be summarized on Engage Ottawa.  If changes to the project are required, the Engage Ottawa page will be updated accordingly.

Summer 2023

-          Detailed design of the court is expected to be completed based in feedback from the consultation

-          Permits from the RVCA will be sought

Spring / Summer 2024

-          Construction of the court and pathway are anticipated to commence.

 Will there be public consultation?

Public consultation will occur after the completion of a preliminary design but before the project moves into a detailed design phase.

Moreover, as the preliminary design phase is not yet completed, there is not a formal proposal to be consulted on. While we appreciate that some residents are concerned that the court is moving forward without consulting those who may stand to be impacted by the addition of the court, the fact is that the proposal is simply not at the consultation stage yet.

Residents will be informed when the public consultation process is opened through the Engage Ottawa process. Emails will be sent to those who subscribe to our Ward newsletter. Additionally, residents interested in being involved in public consultation on this and other issues are encouraged to register for the City’s Engage Ottawa process.

What about flooding issues?

As the matter is still at the design phase, issues regarding flooding and the proposed court have not been fully reviewed by the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA). Once a proposed design is in hand, the RVCA will review the proposal with an eye toward flooding.

There is no proposed change with respect to grading or flood mitigation at this time, though once again, issues regarding flooding and the addition of the court and any potential complications arising from flooding will be reviewed with the RVCA prior to the court’s construction.

How will the court be used?

The court is proposed to be painted for tennis. Pickleball lines will not be painted. There is no plan to install lighting at the court, therefore the court will not be useable outside of daylight hours. The court is intended to be a public court; its programming, booking, administration, and more will be determined after the design and consultation phase.  

Future communication on this file?

We appreciate that the lack of available information regarding the court has led to many questions throughout the community.

Moving forward, we will be working with the CGYHA to provide regular communication with the community. Residents with questions regarding the court are encouraged to connect with the CGYHA so that our office can work in concert with the CGYHA to provide answers to all members of the community rather than just those who individually reach out to our office.

Additionally, residents interested in being involved in public consultation on this and other issues are encouraged to register for the City’s Engage Ottawa process.


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