Newsletter Mar 14
From the desk of Councillor David Brown
Spring Reminders
With so many new neighbours in our ward, I wanted to share a few reminders of what it means to live in rural Ottawa and highlight some of the changes are coming to our communities.
Ward Updates
Ward Council Meeting
My team and I hosted a Ward Council meeting on February 28th in North Gower. We had nine community associations represented with many attending virtually due to the weather. I provided an update on the Commercial Liability Insurance Policy (CPIP). The program will be renewed in its current form for 2024-2025. We also briefly discussed the Zoning By-law. Once my office receives communication from the City, we will share it through the Ward 21 Newsletter.
Last but not least, we discussed the Rural Summit. A survey about priorities in rural Ottawa is currently being developed. Results from the survey will help frame Spring workshops which in turn will help direct the Rural Summit this Fall. I asked community associations to be fully engaged by encouraging residents to complete the survey. We brainstormed different methods for distributing the survey, which will include an anonymous option on Engage Ottawa. We ended the meeting by opening the table to discuss specific concerns within villages and share upcoming community events.
Private Well Water Testing
Private well owners are encouraged to get their water tested every spring, summer, and fall, even if it looks, tastes, and smells fine.
Free testing and well water sample bottles are available. Click here for more information.
Temporary Traffic Calming Measures
Flexible stakes, signs, pavement markings, and speed display boards are all tools that are used to deter speeding in our neighbourhoods. Many of these measures will be reinstalled by City crews over the coming weeks to be used in the warmer months of summer.
If you are concerned about speeding in a particular area, it is encouraged that you call 3-1-1 or email to report the problem.
Read more about temporary traffic calming measure here.
Residents are asked to stay off sports fields and baseball diamonds
While we have seen the snow melt earlier and have been experiencing above-normal temperatures, residents are reminded that sports fields and ball diamonds still remain closed.
Ball diamonds and sports fields require maintenance and drying time before they open and could be damaged if used while in their current condition.
The City will be monitoring field and weather conditions throughout the spring to determine if an earlier start to the field season is possible.
2024-2028 Child Care and Early Years Service System Plan (SSP)
The City of Ottawa is seeking feedback from families with children 0-12 years or those expecting to in the next 9 months. This feedback will be used to help develop the 2024-2028 Service System Plan (SSP) which is a road map that will ensure we are responding to local needs and strengthening the local child care and early years system to ensure children get the best start in life.
The City is asking interested families and residents to provide their feedback by completing a survey found here. The survey will remain open until April 10th, 2024.
For more information on the work being done please visit the project website here or email
Registration for ‘Cleaning the Capital’ opens on March 15th
The Cleaning the Capital Spring Campaign will proceed with registration starting March 15th, with cleanup projects taking place between April 15th and May 31st.
Cleaning the Capital is a citywide cleanup that occurs in the spring and fall of every year, bringing Ottawa residents together as a community to help clean litter from our public spaces. Cleaning the Capital is an exciting opportunity for residents to show their civic pride and help maintain a beautiful city.
Participants can register their cleanup projects by using the online form available at
Previous updates
The Ward 21 office would like to wish a Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all those celebrating this weekend!
Erin Go Bragh!
The holy month of Ramadan has begun and will conclude with a festive celebration (Eid ul Fitr) on April 08th and 09th. There will be nightly prayers hosted by the Richmond Islamic Community Ottawa at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church on McBean St.
Construction Updates
Construction Noise Notice
Location: 63 Royal York St (Richmond)
When: July 01st-Sept 28th (24hrs/day)
Details: The emergency bypass pumps in operation for a bypass of the Richmond Pumping Station will be located outside of the station. These are required as part of the scope of the project. These pumps are critically silenced, so are very quiet, and will be situated as best as possible to minimize neighbourhood impact. The pumps cannot be shut off for any reason or there is a risk of surcharging of the sewer. The pumping station will be offline and the temporary pumps will be all that is operating in their place.
A list of planned construction projects are listed on the Ward 21 website here. Any immediate or significant construction notices and/or development plans will be included in future newsletters.
**For more information about planned construction projects and road resurfacing plans across the city, please visit the online interactive map here.**
Stay in touch
I want to hear from you! Connect with the team and stay informed by:
Following us on social media by clicking the icons below
Visiting our website at
Emailing your concerns to
Calling the office at 613-580-2491
Meeting with Councillor Brown at the North Gower office every Thursday. Email to book an appointment.