Newsletter Jan 18
From the desk of Councillor David Brown
Snow Clearing and Removal
An unusually wet and heavy snow storm, not typical for the month of January, hit the Ottawa region early this past weekend. City staff continue in their efforts to clear and remove snow from problem areas. Fore more information, please read here.
Ward Updates
Submit your feedback for the future Checkerspot Park in Richmond
The City of Ottawa is seeking public engagement for Checkerspot Park, which will be part of a future residential development in Richmond. The approximate location of the park is east of Legion Branch 625 and close to the Jock River. Feedback must be received by January 31st online here.
Park proposal: Seasonal Dog Park on Perth Street
As the village grows, the need for a dedicated space for folks and their pups to gather in Richmond is increasingly obvious. Through much of 2023, I have been working behind the scenes to push for the addition of a seasonal dog park in Richmond. I am happy to say that the City is moving forward with design and public consultation work. Learn more
Working with the Ottawa Police Service
A different approach is needed when it comes to policing rural areas of Ottawa. I had a productive meeting with OPS, read more about it here.
Vacant Unit Tax: Declaration Period Open
Residents can now submit their Vacant Unit Tax Declarations to the City. Please note, the declaration is mandatory for all residents and the deadline for submitting your declaration is March 21, 2024. Submit your declaration here, or learn more about the VUT here.
Residents with questions or who need assistance filing their VUT are encouraged to reach out to the City's Revenue Services department by email at or by phone at 613-580-2444.
Need help submitting your Vacant Unit Tax Declaration online? The Ottawa Public Library has public computers that you can use to submit your declaration and staff to help you navigate the website.
Find your local library branch:
Manotick Munster North Gower Richmond
As your Councillor, I am opposed to the VUT. I believe it is an unfair administrative burden on residents and I have yet to see evidence that it is actually assisting with increasing housing supply. I voted to scrap the VUT earlier last year and will vote again to scrap it when the matter comes before Council again this summer.
Previous updates
Volunteers wanted! Outdoor Rinks
Our communities are fortunate to benefit from a large number of volunteer-maintained outdoor rinks. If you are interested and able to volunteer this winter to support your community, please email
Construction Updates
Current Road Closures
Barnsdale Road from Twin Elm Road to Eagleson Drive will be closed on weekdays from 7am to 6pm until January 31, 2024 for the second phase of Hydro Ottawa's work in the area, including stringing conductors on the new poles.
This work is important as there will be 3 new circuit ties created between the Cambrian Substation and the Richmond South Substation. This will greatly improve the reliability and adaptability of Richmond's power supply once the tie is established and will support the ongoing growth of the village.
Future Road Closures
Fallowfield Road from Munster Side Road to Huntley Road will be closed for 6 weeks in summer of 2024 for full resurfacing and rehabilitation work. More details will be provided as they become available.
Rideau Valley Drive from Bankfield Road to Prince of Wales will be closed later this year for resurfacing work. More details will be provided as they become available.
Rogers Stevens Drive from Dwyer Hill Road to McCordick Road will be closed later this year for resurfacing work. More details will be provided as they become available.
**For more information about planned construction projects across the city, please visit the online interactive map here.**
Upcoming Community Events
Richmond Road Races
The Richmond Road Races are back for 2024! The races will take place on January 28 from 9:30-11:30am. If you're interested in starting the new year off on the right foot while supporting your community, make sure to register before the end of day on January 22. Learn more
Mark your calendars! Shiverfest is coming to Manotick on February 2 and 3. Whether you're looking for an evening bonfire, a magic show, horse-drawn sleigh rides, trivia, or much more, Shiverfest is the place to be! For a full list of events, activities, and times, check out the MVCA's event page.
Pancake Supper @ St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
This all-ages event is happening on Tuesday, February 13th from 4:30pm-6:30pm. See the details here.
Youth of Manotick Association (YOMA): Ongoing Activities
YOMA hosts a wide range of activities and programs for local youth in Grades 4-12 at the Manotick Community Centre. To get involved and see what they have planned, follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, or sign up for their newsletter. For more information, visit their website at
Ottawa Public Library: Ongoing events
There are plenty of ongoing events featuring activities for all ages at the public library branches in our Ward! Learn more
Rural Ottawa South Support Services' (ROSSS) hosts a number of ongoing events, including Drop-In programs. Learn More
ROSSS is also looking for volunteers for their Transportation Program. Call 613-692-692-4697 ext. 228 or visit their volunteer page to learn more.
Richmond and Manotick Legions: Ongoing events
The Richmond and Manoitck Legions have regular events going on all year round! Learn more about the events in Richmond here and the events in Manotick here.

City Updates and Events
Woodroffe Avenue lane reductions and slowdowns are now underway due to watermain work
Registration for the City’s March break and summer camps is now open
My Rec Pass: Share your thoughts on upcoming changes to recreation passes
Stay in touch
I want to hear from you! Connect with the team and stay informed by:
Following us on social media by clicking the icons below
Visiting our website at
Emailing your concerns to
Calling the office at 613-580-2491
Meeting with Councillor Brown at the North Gower office every Thursday. Email to book an appointment.