Cold weather resources

The City of Ottawa and community agencies work together to provide information, services, and programs to help people stay warm in the winter and prevent cold weather injuries such as frostbite and hypothermia.

Check out the Ottawa Public Heath/Cold Weather website!

  • Sign up for Environment and Climate Change Canada ‘EC Alert me’ emails or download the WeatherCAN app for extreme weather warnings. Environment and Climate Change Canada issues an Extreme Cold Warning in Ottawa when the temperature or wind chill is expected to reach -35° or colder for at least 2 hours.

  • Get advice and support:

    • Call 2-1-1 for social services assistance (e.g., accessing warm clothing, contacts for community outreach services)

    • Call 3-1-1 for information and assistance on helping someone get out of the cold

    • Call 8-1-1 Health Connect Ontario for non-emergency medical advice or 9-1-1 for medical emergency such as frostbite or hypothermia.    

    • Follow OPH on Twitter (@OttawaHealth), Facebook (Ottawa Public Health) and Instagram (OttawaHealthSante) for information on public health topics, including being prepared for cold weather.


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