2023 Community Economic Development Project Funding

The annual Community Economic Development (CED) Funding Program provides financial support to selected projects that are anticipated to result in:

  • Resilient job creation (continuing beyond the funding period)

  • Business enterprise creation (for-profits and/or social enterprises).

The program endeavours to positively impact historically under-represented segments of the Ottawa population (e.g. residents of lower income neighbourhoods, youth, older adults, rural residents, new immigrants, racialized and indigenous populations, etc.) through financial support to non-profit agencies for new, or expanded, projects that assist targeted residents to overcome identified obstacles to the creation of new jobs and/or new enterprises.

The CED Funding Program awards a total of up to $280,000 per year, distributed among the proposals that are selected by a jury panel of reviewers. While proposals may have inherent merits, funds are awarded only among the top-ranked projects, until the annual funding maximum is reached. Learn more


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Newsletter - Jan. 5